Priority review for 2025 Visiting Scholars applications begins on/about February 15 each year. Applications received after March 15 may not be considered.

Important: The "Visiting Scholar" program described on this page is NOT intended for students enrolled at Montana State University-Bozeman, including MSU nursing students located at one of MSU's three off-campus locations (Missoula, Great Falls, Kalispell). All MSU-Bozeman students interested in summer research experiences should instead learn more about becoming a Montana INBRE Scholar.

Students who want to do significant undergraduate research in the biomedical sciences are encouraged to apply to this program. Students who conduct their research at MSU must work under the guidance of an MSU faculty member. Students selected for funding will be expected to make a presentation (poster or podium) to report their findings.

To be considered for this program you must:

  • be enrolled at an institution in one of the IDeA Network Western Region states (Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming) during spring semester directly preceding the summer term
  • be enrolled as a full time (> 12 credits) sophomore, junior, or senior in good academic standing for the upcoming fall semester
  • be a US citizen or authorized to work in the United States
  • A Visiting Scholar is expected to dedicate 10 weeks of full-time commitment to a project between late-May and early-August
  • Depending on the year and other variables, there may be flexibility outside these dates, but approval should be sought from the Montana INBRE Student Program Director before applying
  • All students are expected to attend and participate in the majority of planned INBRE meetings and trainings scheduled during the summer

You don't have to own a lab coat to be a Montana INBRE Visiting Scholar. We define biomedical research broadly and support students from varying disciplines, including the life sciences, physical sciences, engineering, math, applied sciences and social sciences, as well as interdisciplinary fields like public health, community health, behavioral health and others. Typical areas of student research include:

  • Cell Biology and Neuroscience
  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Engineering (Biological, Chemical, Electrical or Mechanical)
  • Psychology
  • Computational Biology (including math, computer science)
  • Microbiology and Immunology
  • Nursing
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Human Health and Development
  • Public and/or Community Health
  • Selected students receive a $7,000 stipend for the 10-week program
  • Travel costs to Montana may be covered by the student’s home state INBRE office; students must contact their home INBRE state to make arrangements (i.e., if you're enrolled at an Idaho university, contact Idaho INBRE about travel costs and rules)
  • Montana INBRE can cover shared dorm room accommodation for a specified 10 week period.
  • Priority application deadline is February 15
  • Applications received after March 15 are typically not considered

Before you apply, make sure that you have already

  1. Requested and received two letters of recommendation supporting your application, at least one from a current or former professor.
  2. Obtained .PDF copies of transcripts for any relevant college or university coursework previously completed (unofficial copies are acceptable)

PLEASE NOTE: You will not be able to complete the online application without the above documents, and there is no save/return later option. Please complete all of the above before you begin your application.

Apply to become a Montana INBRE Visiting Scholar



BE ADVISED: In accordance with MSU policy, hiring may be conditional upon successful completion of a pre-employment background check.


If you have questions regarding the undergraduate research program please contact:

Dr. Kate Morrissey
Montana INBRE Director of SRPs at MSU
Tel: 406-994-2289

Dr. Sarah Codd
Montana INBRE Director of Student Programs
Tel: 406-994-1944

Cori Huttinga
Program Specialist and Finance Manager in the Montana INBRE Office
Tel: 406-994-7531