Montana INBRE Annual Reporting Requirement

Montana INBRE is supported by the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Science (NIH/NIGMS). NIH/NIGMS requires that all INBRE-supported faculty, students, cores, and resources submit annual progress reports to the MT INBRE office detailing how funds are used and outcomes such as publications and new funding generated. To manage the large IT workflows generated by the reporting requirement, Montana INBRE partners with a company, PIESTAR, who specialises in develping IT infastructure to manage reporting-related tasks associated with federal grants. Current and former program participants should check their email inbox for a link to an individualized PIESTAR reporting portal. Alternatively, returning users who know thieir PIESTAR login credentials may use follow the link below.

Sign in to your PIESTAR Account

Each year, Montana INBRE staff generate PIESTAR accounts for INBRE-supported project leaders, students, staff, facility managers, and equipment stewards. Individualized login links are sent via email to the email address we have on file. Alternatively, returning participants who know their previous-year's login credentals may use the link below to access their PIESTAR accounts.


Montana INBRE Citation and Grant Number

NIH/NIGMS require those who publish or present Montana INBRE-supported work to acknowledge NIH, NIGMS, and Montana INBRE as having supported the scholarly work or product.

At a bare minimum, the Montana INBRE grant number P20GM103474 must be included in the acknowledgemnt, funding, or support section(s) for all publcations, presentations, or other scholarly works or outputs generated, supported, or made possible by / through meaningful Montana INBRE contributions.

To be fully compliant with the NIH/NIGMS acknoweledgement requirement, full citations should be utilized wherever possible / practical, and especially for all major outputs such as peer-reviewed publications supported by the grant. The full citation text reads as follows:

Research reported in this publication was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number P20GM103474. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

If you have questions about when to include a citation, don't hesitate to contact someone from the Montana INBRE office for assistance.

Frequently Used Montana INBRE Network Logos

Logos available on this webpage are intended to aid the production of scholaly work only. Please consult individual institutions for usage rights and other logo-related requests. All Montana universities require that logos be used "as-is" without modification. Resizing is OK, provided original aspect ratio is maintained. Learn more.

UM Logo   MSU Logoinbre logo blue shadow   MT Tech   MSU Billings Logo

Additional MSU logos available from the MSU Creative Services website
Additional UM logos available from UM Printing and Graphic Services
Additional MT Tech logos available from Tech Marketing and PR
Additional Montana University System logos available here
Please contact the Montana INBRE office if any logo on this page needs to be added, updated, or removed