Become a Montana INBRE Scholar at MSU
For undergraduates enrolled at MSU-Bozeman
Applications to join the next Montana INBRE Scholar cohort beginning during the Summer 2025 semester will be due before February 2. Complete details below.
Montana INBRE furthers undergraduate research at MSU by supporting and facilitating student engagement in rigorous biomedical and public health research experiences. The starting point for all Montana INBRE-supported undergraduate research at MSU is an immersive 10-week summer research experience in a lab at MSU or a public health internship placement in the Gallatin Valley. In addition to the immediate experiential benefits of participating in this hands-on, full-time, paid research experience, MSU undergraduates who are admitted to this summer program are from that point on considered Montana INBRE Scholars and will receive the full support of the Montana INBRE program.
Benefits of being a Montana INBRE Scholar at MSU includes ongoing eligibility for and access to:
- supplemental or “top up” research funding opportunities during the academic year, when available
- travel stipends to qualified scientific and/or human health-related conferences, when available
- priority consideration for future Montana INBRE summer research opportunities
- conferences, trainings, workshops, mentoring and other resources to help your graduate school or job application stand out
- other opportunities through the Regional Alliance of INBRE Networks (RAIN) consortium
To be considered you must:
- be enrolled (> 12 credits) at MSU-Bozeman in good academic standing during the spring semester in which you apply for Montana INBRE summer funding as well as be enrolled at MSU-Bozeman (> 12 credits) as sophomore, junior, or senior for the upcoming fall semester
- be a US citizen or authorized to work in the United States
- be involved in or have a strong interest in pursuing a biomedical research experience related to human health, public health, and/or community health
Nursing students located at off-campus locations in Missoula, Great Falls, Kalispell are still considered enrolled at MSU-Bozeman and should apply through USP using the same process as other MSU students.
Not enrolled at MSU-Bozeman? Learn more about Montana INBRE's Visiting Scholars program to see if you're eligible.
- An INBRE Scholar is expected to dedicate 10 weeks of full-time commitment to a project between late-May and early-August
- Depending on the year and other variables, there may be flexibility outside these dates, but approval should be sought from the Montana INBRE Student Program Director before applying
- All students are expected to attend and participate in the majority of planned INBRE meetings and trainings scheduled during the summer
- Commit a minimum 400 hours to your project during the 10-week summer program
- Prepare and deliver a poster presentation at the summer poster session
- Participate in required Montana INBRE summer events, trainings, and professional development opportunities
- Register with NIH’s eRA Commons
- Agree to supply information needed for Montana INBRE’s annual report to NIH during your funding period and for five (5) years after your Montana INBRE funding ends
- Agree to acknowledge and properly cite Montana INBRE's contribution in any scientific publications, presentations, and/or noteworthy publicity that may result from your INBRE-supported research activities
The total award amount for the 10-week, full time summer session is $7,000: $3,000 of which comes the Undergraduate Scholars Program, $2,500 from Montana INBRE, and $1500 from match funding supplied by the student's project mentor.
Please note that American Indian Research Opportunities-elligible students and students participating in the Public Health Internship program are exempt from the mentor match requirement; AIRO and PHI students' total summer award amount remains $7,000.
In addition to the summer session funding, Montana INBRE Scholars who successfully complete the summer program are elligible to apply for supplemental top-up funding during the academic year to enhance their research ongoing aims and goals.
Montana INBRE Scholars who completed a previous summer session should first apply for adademic year research funding through MSU's Undergraduate Scholars Proram and then contact Montana INBRE about supplemental funding for academic-year research.
In addition, Montana INBRE will offer INBRE Scholars priority access to supplemental funding for travel to scientific conferences and workshops, when available. Details are available online on Montana INBRE's Travel Award webpage.
You don't have to own a lab coat to be a Montana INBRE Scholar. We define biomedical research broadly and support students from varying disciplines, including the life sciences, physical sciences, engineering, math, applied sciences and social sciences, as well as interdisciplinary fields like public health, community health, behavioral health and others. Typical areas of student research include:
- Cell Biology and Neuroscience
- Biochemistry
- Biomedical Engineering (Biological, Chemical, Electrical or Mechanical)
- Psychology
- Computational Biology (including math, computer science)
- Microbiology and Immunology
- Nursing
- Veterinary Medicine
- Human Health and Development
- Public and/or Community Health
Applying to become a Montana INBRE Scholar at MSU is highly competitive and placement in an upcoming cohort is reserved for students with the most excellent and rigorous biomedical research and public health internship proposals.
Before you Apply
- Talk to prospective faculty advisors or mentors at MSU about your research, education and career interests
- Decide on a research direction that interests you and that a faculty mentor is willing to supervise
- Check with your mentor about willingness to provide $1000 match funding for the summer (AIRO-eligible & PHI applicants are exempt from match requirement); mentors can contact Sarah Codd or the Montana INBRE office for clarification
- Begin preparing a summer research application to be submitted through MSU’s Undergraduate Scholars Program by the annual deadline (historically late February)
Application Step 1
The majority of applications for MSU-Bozeman students are processed initally through the Undergraduate Scholars Program (USP). Click on "Step 1" button to begin your application. USP provides additional instructions and guidelines for completing the online application.
IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Students interested in pursuing Public Health Internships should review PHI program information before submitting an application through USP as procedures will differ depending on whether you have already identified a project and/or mentor.
Please note that MSU undergraduate nursing students located at off-campus locations in Missoula, Great Falls, Kalispell are still considered enrolled at MSU-Bozeman and should apply through USP (not the separate application for "Visiting Scholars.")
Application Step 2
Once you have completed your USP research proposal, please alert Montana INBRE to your interest in joining its next summer program cohort and becoming a Montana INBRE Scholar.
Montana INBRE's application deadline mirrors MSU's Undergraduate Scholars Program's deadline for applying for summer-term research, annually. USP typically sets its summer term application deadline near the begginning or middle of February each year. Visit USP's website for the most current deadline information.
If you have questions about becomming a Montana INBRE Scholar at MSU, please contact
Dr. Kate Morrissey
Montana INBRE Director of SRPs at MSU
Tel: 406-994-2289
Dr. Sarah Codd
Director of Montana INBRE Student Programs
Tel: 406-994-1944
Cori Huttinga
Program Specialist and Finance Manager in the Montana INBRE Office
Tel: 406-994-7531