Dr. Heinz Feldmann Presents The Ebola Virus in West Africa: Science-Based Facts and Personal Reflections on the Recent Epidemic
March 24, 2016
6:00pm Baxter Hotel Ballroom, Bozeman, MT

Dr. Heinz Feldmann, an internationally recognized virologist and chief of the Laboratory of Virology at Rocky Mountain Laboratories, part of the National Institutes of Health, was our second featured speaker during the spring 2016 Café Scientifique session. Feldmann presented, “The Ebola Virus in West Africa: Science-based Facts and Personal Reflections on the Recent Epidemic” at 6 p.m. Thursday, March 24, at the Baxter Hotel Ballroom in downtown Bozeman.
Feldmann’s talk will began with an evidence-based overview of what World Health Organization officials have deemed the largest Ebola virus outbreak on record. Feldmann presented evidence detailing how the outbreak began in West Africa in late 2013, how the epidemic claimed more than 11,300 lives worldwide and how international collaborations helped contain the spread. In January 2016, WHO officials declared the end to all known chains of Ebola transmission in West Africa.
In addition to summarizing data pertaining to the Ebola outbreak, Feldmann relayed firsthand observations he and 16 colleagues from Rocky Mountain Laboratories experienced as active participants in the response efforts. During this segment, Feldmann addressed public critique regarding the response timeline and provided insight into what he called “delayed but unparalleled response activities by multiple government, academic and private institutions worldwide.”
The remainder of his talk addressed unanswered scientific questions regarding the outbreak, his perspective on what follow-up research should be conducted and an outlining of public health uncertainties and opportunities looking forward.
About the Presenter
Feldmann serves as the Laboratory of Virology chief and chief scientist of the Integrated Research Facility at Rocky Mountain Laboratories in Hamilton. The Integrated Research Facility contains biosafety research levels two, three and four, which are risk designations set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In this ranking system, level one poses the lowest threat to public health and level four involves highly dangerous and exotic microbes.
Feldmann is also an associate professor in the department of medical microbiology at the University of Manitoba. His research expertise and fieldwork with high-containment viruses has led to consultation roles at the World Health Organization and honors such as the Löffler-Frosch Award from the German Society for Virology, the Dalrymple/Young Award from the American Committee on Arthropod-Borne Viruses and the Research Merit Awards co-sponsored by the Public Health Agency of Canada and NIH.
The Café Scientifique was co-sponsored by Montana INBRE and Montana State University COBRE programs.