Montana INBRE External Advisory Committee
The External Advisory Committee (EAC) advises the MT INBRE on scientific, administrative, and other matters; reviews the program’s performance in meeting its specific aims; and evaluates the longitudinal progress of the program. EAC activities include developing concepts, planning programs, encouraging and assisting with faculty development and mentoring, identifying resources, and evaluating progress toward stated goals. In some cases, EAC members provide mentoring to the MT INBRE Project Leaders or identify potential national mentors and collaborators.
Current EAC Members

Joseph P. Gone, Ph.D.
Professor of Anthropology and of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard University | Faculty Director Harvard University Native American Program

James N. Jarvis, MD
Professor, University of Washington, School of Medicine | Specialties: Pediatrics, Pediatric Rheumatology.

Sheree Watson, Ph.D.
USGS Partnership Ecologist working with both the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) and the WY-MT Water Science Center (WY-MT WSC).

Travis Wheeler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy
Former EAC Members

Joseph D. Brain, Ph.D.
Joseph D. Brain joined Harvard University's Department of Environmental Health in 1962 as a graduate student researching the body’s response to inhaled gases, particulates, and microbes and went on to have tremendous impact as a role model and mentor to countless colleagues and students across more than six decades at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Joe Dan Coulter, Ph.D.
Professor, Emeritus
Community and Behavioral Health
College of Public Health
The University of Iowa

Mary E. Wilson, MD
Clinical Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco; Adjunct Professor of Global Health and Population, Harvard, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. Author of Antibiotics: What everyone needs to know.